Pamela 20th February 2016

I did not find out about Tony's passing until February 11, 2016. I am heart broken over the fact that colon and liver cancer took his life so fast. I had reached out to him in July of 2015, shortly after he was diagnosed. It even took me awhile to do that, because it just didn't seem real. Why would somebody so full of life and dreams get cancer ? Obviously, cancer does not care about those things. He was resting at the time, so I did not disturb him. Through the months after I kept an eye on his Facebook page. I also kept him in my prayers, anytime I was praying, he was part of my prayers. I am still in shock and do not know what to do with the feelings I am having. I feel like I let my own life and problems get in the way of being there for a dear friend. It just didn't make any sense to me, like it was in a twilight zone or something. I am deeply sorry Tony for not being there. I went through pancreatic cancer with my Dad when I was 18, so I know what it does to you. You and I talked about this years ago. I should of been there for you. I don't know if you wanted me to, because you were pretty proud, but I would of been there by your side. Please forgive me. You are in Heaven with Jesus now, so all of this suffering that the world gives us is all gone, and you can walk, and talk, and sing to Jesus. I will always remember our time together. You finally got your big break. You are on God's heavenly stage, and singing for the best One of all. What an audience !!!! Your family and friends who miss and love you are in my prayers.